POST 27. Stare


Watercolor by Slaine

I stare blankly into my open refrigerator. Not reason. 

Q I’m not hungry. Time passes, and I’m still staring! Why?

Should I buy the black stilettos with the elaborate gold trim? Hmmm…

Elaine’s fridge

 I don't think I’ll buy the stilettos after all. At my age, people will just laugh at me! That leaves ne with my well-worn old lady shoes .. yup 

Google photo

Exhausted from thinking of shoes, I sat with a bottle of Pinot before the roaring fire. I sipped and gazed. An hour elapsed. I sipped some more. I gazed some more. Maybe I should empty the lint from the dryer!

Elaine’s not quite roaring fire

To the window I go, just to stare some more, I scratch my head, puzzling my brain, but nothing comes to mind . Blank.

Elaine’s view out the window

So very tired from clearing the lint, drinking Pinot, and staring, I slipped into a cup of chamomile tea and dragged myself to the bedroom. 

My head was swimming from the wine and the major decisions I had just made! Definitely time for tea and TV!

I flipped channels but 

progress stalled. Entranced by the flickering screen, I began to doze: Hmm..Daniel Tiger’s Neighborhood or Call of Duty on X-Box? 

I felt restless. I fussed. I tossed. I turned. I finally got up. I tiptoed onto the warm patio, so very peaceful at night. I sank into my favorite patio chair, head upturned to the night sky and stared into space.

Elaine’s “NightSky Sky’

Did you like this one?
Do you stare when you’re bored, worried, planning, or just to gather your thoughts?

I’m listening!

P.S. I took all the photos, except the old lady shoes! 😊 The illustrations are mine, too!

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