POST 26. I Can Do It Myself!

I Can Do It Myself! 

When you offer a helping hand, I might refuse it!

Thanks to Pixabay



Let’s see if I can figure this out.
Am I too cheap to pay someone?
Could personal pride be keeping me from seeking or accepting of your help?
Could I feel like I don’t deserve your offer?
Do I fear being in debt to you? 
Or do I not want to bother you because you have your own issues to deal with?
Am I just plain stubborn?
Here is the most recent example (and there are many more):
About a week ago I needed to move, push, drag, or pull a piece of furniture. 
Not a big deal, you sa?.
But consider that I’m 78, both shoulders are in dire need of replacement, and my back has suffered too many major surgeries.
Got the picture? So here am I doing what it is physically impossible for me to do! 
That’s when I hurt my hip. I finally had to reach out to my friend Kristy to complete the task which she did with great aplomb in 3 minutes time! 
And I was left to feel old and needy!
After 4 days of suffering, I yielded once again and sought the help of my orthopedist. So, now I’m on prednisone for 10 days! 
All this … because I didn’t reach out for a helping hand in the first place!

Analysis of my behavior
Cheat  ðŸ‘Ž
Undeserving ðŸ‘Ž
Indebted ðŸ‘Ž
A bother 
Stubborn ✅✅
Sharon, Becky, Leslie, and Kristy would agree with my analysis!!
Do you agree?
I’m listening!

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