Post 14. Ashes

For those following this blog, you may remember post 7 called Bittersweet. In it, I wrote about taking a vacation to Bar Harbor, Maine, one of Lou’s favorite places to visit time and again.
                  Eagle Lake Carriage Path

Lou’s brass urn sits on his bedside table in our bedroom. But I also had little 3-inch urns filled because some of his siblings wanted  ashes as a memorial to Lou.
I took one of the mini urns to Schoodic Point about an hour and a half from Bar Harbor. It is the least known but perhaps most beautiful part of the park. My friend Leslie, me, and my cousins Jim and Nellie Ann held a burial of Lou’s ashes at sea. I know he would approve.


For me, it was incredibly emotional, as it was the first time I had “ buried” his ashes. I was caught off guard and the tear brimmed and fell into the sea with Lou’s ashes.


Come with me to Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park.
So Here I am sitting under a tree on the Shore Path in Bar Harbor. In the background is the enormous 30 foot high Balance Rock.
me and Balance Rock

We drove to the top of Mt. Cadillac and walked and climbed all around. We came to a view of Bar harbor and the Porcupine Islands


We spent an afternoon walking the Eagle Lake Carriage Path. It was drizzly, but it was  too captivating to give it up.                                           
The history of the many Carriage Paths of Acadia is fascinating in itself! During the Great Depression, John D.Rockefeller, a resident, hired all the men in need of work to build the many miles of Carriage Paths and the many stone bridges in Acadia. My Uncle Irving was one of the masons whose family , which included his little brother ( my father) was saved by  John D Rockefeller. In fact, it is Rockefeller who petitioned FDR to create the national park. 

                            Bubble Mountains in Acadia 


                 schoodic Point, Winter Harbor, Acadia


       Share your views with me, or photos! 


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