POST 6 When Is It OK To Have Fun Again


When Is The Time Right To Have Fun Again?

There was a time when Lou and I were young and carefree, find ing joy in just being together. 

The war was behind him, and I was recovering from a horrific car accident. We thought we had escaped our wars, though, like wolves at our heels, they pursued us, giving chase, then falling back, providing respite. 
It was in those peaceful times that we found contentment, designing and then building our home, playing with our dogs, traveling the world, and entertaining.  
Lou loved to entertain, and I loved to cook. We had dinner parties, patio parties, and holiday parties. We had fun! Oh, to be that couple again! 
We spent our youth well, flowing with the ups and downs of life.
Then Lou died. I was alone and lonely for the first time in my life. And aging rapidly with the months piling up faster than I can count. 
What to do? Sit alone in the dark, crying the years way? Wallowing in anger at what life had wrought?
Hell no!
In the winter after Lou died, I flew to Florida to spend a month with my friends Carla and Frank. It was healing.

Feeling bolder, two months later, my friend Leslie and I went to the lovely city of Asheville,North Carolina, to visit Biltmore and the Blue Ridge Mountains.  
That Christmas, one year after Lou’s death, I decided to throw a party, my first ever without Lou! It was so much fun… food, games, lottery gift exchange, laughter!

The answer to the question: when the time is right and your confidence has returned 

I’d really like to hear from you! © 2023 by  Elaine Troisi is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

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